Swami Sivananda

Swami Sivananda Status, Quotes, and Thoughts

Swami Sivananda Status, Quotes, and Thoughts with images on God, Love, Faith, and Happiness. These Swami Sivananda Quotes Will Inspire You to Do Great Things.

Beauty is essentially spiritual. The authentic beauty lies in the heart. Swami Sivananda Ji

Love beautifies the giver and elevates the receiver.

Swami Sivananda Ji

There is something good in all seeming failures. You are not to see that now. Time will reveal it. Be patient. Swami Sivananda Ji

You are the Master of your own Destiny

Swami Sivananda Ji

You are already free. You only have to know and realize this truth. Swami Sivananda Ji

Conquer your thoughts and you will conquer the world.

Swami Sivananda Ji

Don’t fear the darkness if you carry the light within. Swami Sivananda Ji

The mind is responsible for the feelings of pleasure and pain. Control of the mind is the highest Yoga.

Swami Sivananda Ji

Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. Swami Sivananda Ji

An ounce of practice is worth a ton of theory!

Swami Sivananda Ji

Illness begins with “I”, Wellness begins with “we. Swami Sivananda Ji

Forget like a child any injury done by somebody immediately. Never keep it in the heart. It kindles hatred.

Swami Sivananda Ji

Fear is only in duality. Fear is Mind. When you are your Self, there is no fear. Swami Sivananda Ji

Thinking of disease constantly will intensify it. Feel always ‘I am healthily in body and mind’.

Swami Sivananda Ji

Giving is the secret of abundance. Swami Sivananda Ji

There is some truth in everything. Views and opinions are different aspects. Do not quarrel with others.

Swami Sivananda Ji

When you have succeeded in enshrining God within your heart, you will see Him everywhere. Swami Sivananda Ji

Intuition transcends reason, but does not contradict it.

Swami Sivananda Ji

There is no end of craving. Hence contentment alone is the best way to happiness. Therefore, acquire contentment. Swami Sivananda Ji

The language of silence is the language of God, the language of silence is the language of the heart.

Swami Sivananda Ji

Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. Swami Sivananda Ji

The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. Self-realization demands very great struggle.

Swami Sivananda Ji

Thinking of disease constantly will intensify it. Feel always ‘I am healthily in body and mind’. Swami Sivananda Ji

Today is your own. Tomorrow perchance may never come.

Swami Sivananda Ji

If you do not know the laws of right conduct, you cannot form your character. Swami Sivananda Ji

Your duty is to treat everybody with love as a manifestation of the Lord.

Swami Sivananda Ji

There is something good in all seeming failures. You are not to see that now. Time will reveal it. Be patient. Swami Sivananda Ji

There is no end of craving. Hence contentment alone is the best way to happiness. Therefore, acquire contentment.

Swami Sivananda Ji

Complete peace equally reigns between two mental waves. Swami Sivananda Ji

Terrible is the fight put up by the senses. Fight bravely! Conquer them you must.

Swami Sivananda Ji

The mind is a product of experience. It is the result of past thinking and is modified by present thinking. Swami Sivananda Ji

Desire nothing, give up all desires and be happy.

Swami Sivananda Ji

Tolerance is a sign of growth on the spiritual path. Swami Sivananda Ji

Practice meditation regularly. Meditation leads to eternal bliss. Therefore meditate, meditate.

Swami Sivananda Ji

Life is a series of awakenings. Swami Sivananda Ji

It is divinity that shapes, not only your ends, but also your acts, your words and thoughts.

Swami Sivananda Ji

Change the mind, and you can change the body. Swami Sivananda Ji

Moral values, and a culture and a religion, maintaining these values are far better than laws and regulations.

Swami Sivananda Ji

You should always keep your word. All the setbacks in life come only because you don’t keep your word. Swami Sivananda Ji

Meditation is painful in the beginning but it bestows immortal Bliss and supreme joy in the end.

Swami Sivananda Ji

Pain, sorrow, ignorance are all illusory; they cannot live. Bliss, joy, knowledge are true; they cannot die. Swami Sivananda Ji

God is all-full. He is self-contained. He is eternal satisfaction.

Swami Sivananda Ji