Reasons for Late Marriage and Solutions

Reasons for Late Marriage and Solutions

Reasons for delay in marriage can be seen from the horoscope. According to the Horoscope, astrological reasons for Delay in Marriage are due to some planets ruling the 7th house. These naturally tend to delay in marriage, as given in the table below:

The 7th LordApprox Marriage Age for a maleApprox Marriage Age for a female

If the 7th lord is under auspicious influences in the birth chart, then the above ages can be reduced by two years. But if the 7th lord is under negative or unfavorable influences, then the above ages can be further increased by 2 to 3 years.


  1. Saturn is known for delaying any work, so if it has any type of relation with the 7th house (placement, aspect or conjugates) than it is considered as a major reason. 7th house lord is weak in any case, viz- retrograde, combust or debilitate.
  2. Venus/Jupiter is weak in horoscope.
  3. Malefic planets combined with Saturn (like Mars, Rahu) aspects 7th house.
  4. Saturn and Mars have a combined influence on the seventh house.
  5. 7th house in vacant and not aspected by any planet.
  6. Along with above said reasons, there are some other factors that are also seen in native’s horoscopes. These can also be given a glance while finding out reasons for delaying in marriage. Ascendant should be free from malefic effects.
  7. The birth stars (Rashi) should not be unfriendly.
  8. Conjugation of Rahu with Sun, Moon or Jupiter be avoided of Dasha is also running or about to come.
  9. Mahadasha of Vipat, Pratyak, Nidhan should not be running.
  10. Saturn should not make any combination with 7th house.
  11. 7th lord or house should not be under influence of Rahu or Ketu.
  12. 7th lord should not be in 6th, 8th or 12th houses.
  13. Jupiter should not be retrograde in female horoscope.
  14. Venus-Mars combination in 7th house might be avoided.


With the help of following “cure” the native can be benefitted with timely marriage. But these should be in regular marriage, and should not be left in between or done half-heartedly.

“For Boys”

Patni Manorma Dehi Manovaratanusarinim ! Tarini Durgsansarsagrasaya Kulodbhawam !!
Recite above mantra for 108 times daily in a sound atmosphere facing towards east direction till you are benefitted.

Above mantra should be done with other remedies which will give strength to it. Respect your parents and elders. Boys should avoid multiple relations with females. Offer sweets and cosmetics to small girls. Worship Goddess Lakshmi and God Ganpati together. Read verses related to the marriage of Shiv and Parvati in the Balkand of Ramcharit Manas every day. Pour sacred water over shivling everyday and worship Goddess Parvati together. Mix a pinch to Haldi (Turmeric) in the water and take bath with it whenever possible.

“For Girls”

!! Om Namo Bhagwate Rukmini Vallaabhaye Swaha!!

Recite above mantra in a pious condition in a place where there is no noise, facing towards east direction. This mantra needs to be recited for 108 times daily till the purpose achieve.