Loose and hanging breasts have spoiled the body shape, try these remedies

Loose and hanging breasts have spoiled the body shape, try these remedies

The shape, size and color of the breast depends on genetic factors and therefore varies from woman to woman. A woman’s breasts keep changing over time and as she gets older, the breasts begin to sag. Loose breasts make women feel uncomfortable and affect their confidence.

If you are also troubled by loose and hanging breasts, then definitely try the recipe mentioned in this article. Yes, we are talking about castor oil. Massaging the breast with this can reduce your problem to a great extent.

Does Castor Oil Really Help Tighten Loose Breasts? To get information about this, we talked to Ayurvedic expert Dr. SK Chaudhary, then she told us, ‘It helps in tightening the breast muscles and it helps in loose breast.’

Due to loose breasts

Before knowing about the treatment, it is important for you to be aware of the following factors that cause sagging breasts-
  • Heavy breasts loosen over time
  • Hormonal fluctuations during menopause
  • weight loss
  • estrogen deficiency
  • Continuous smoking affects the strength of the skin
  • obesity
  • pregnancy
  • breast cancer
  • vigorous exercise

If you are also related to some of these factors, it is better that you start taking steps to maintain healthy breasts. Also, ladies don’t worry, you are at the right place to get rid of loose breasts. Let us discuss an easy yet effective way to say goodbye to loose breasts.

Oil massage for loose breasts

The practice of breast massage to revive the muscles is ancient. Certain oil massages for the breast improve blood circulation and provide healing effects on the breast. This ancient technique of breast massage greatly reduces the chances of developing breast-related diseases and helps in healing sagging breasts.

Other additional benefits of breast massage that you must know:

  1. Breast massage removes the risk of other breast-related diseases.
  2. Breast massage acts as a new cell growth stimulator.
  3. The gentle massage of the breast relieves stress and anxiety.
  4. Prevents the formation of fibroids in the breast.

Castor oil use

Castor oil is another great option for breast health. This oil is rich in fatty acids and other nutrients that can help nourish the breast tissue. Apart from this, castor oil also has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

To experience the medicinal effects of castor oil, gently massage your breast with castor oil. Apart from this, castor oil also prevents the build-up of any kind of toxins in the breast.

Breast massage with castor oil is very easy.

For this, all you have to do is heat or lukewarm castor oil, then apply it on the breast and massage in circular motion. Do this regularly at night for 10-15 minutes before sleeping, it will give a lot of benefit.

Start carefully incorporating the above tip for your dangling breasts. Within a few days, you will say goodbye to loose breasts and feel very confident about your body.