Best 9 Plants That Bring Positivity to Our Homes

Best 9 Plants That Bring Positivity to Our Homes

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Here is the Top 9 Indoor Plants to Enhance the Stream of Positive Vitality in the House

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera plant is a great source of positivity. Actually, it is considered one of the best indoor plants which require a large amount of water, indirect sunlight and can be placed at any corner of your house to fight off the negative energy and bad luck.

So, it is always suggested to place Aloe Vera plant in the passageways or the place where guests enter your house. Bring this beautiful plant into your home to help the positive vibes and happiness find its better way to your mind and heart.

2. Peace Lily

The name itself can define the actual properties of this plant. The Peace Lily plant is believed to provide a mental piece which everyone needs in today’s world. It basically improves the flow of energy and purifies the air by neutralizing indoor gases.

This plant is also known as the harbinger of peace because it flows positive energy around the house. Do not keep this plant in direct sunlight as it grows well in the shaded or dark environment.

3. Lucky bamboo

The lucky bamboo or the bamboo plant brings luck in health as well as love life. It is a very low maintenance plant. You can keep it in any corner of your room which has gentle or very low lighting.

Also make sure you keep it submerged in at least one inch of fresh water. This plant since long has been used as a symbol of wealth and good fortune.

4. Money Plant

Usually, know classified as plants for good fortune, money plants have the power to attract good luck, prosperity, and positivity. It has been scientifically proven that people who surround themselves with money plants are able to alleviate stress and anxiety.

It even is said to remove synthetic chemicals from curtains, furniture, and other such furnishings items.

5. Basil Plant

Planting basil at home is believed to have a spiritual and healing effect on the atmosphere. The plant emits oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. It will work best if you place it in the north or north-east of your house.

Basil is also considered as a great antioxidant that clears the negative energy in the house and invites positive vibes.

7. Sage Plant

Sage has extraordinary cleansing properties that help in eliminating the negative emotions like fear and angers. The plant stimulates the positive energy flow and is very beneficial because of its numerous medicinal qualities.

It should be placed on dry areas with low humidity.

8. Snake Plant

Sansevieria trifasciata, or snake plant, has become a popular indoor plant because of its low maintenance requirements. Not only it’s one of the positive energy plants due to its vibrant color and cheerful vibe it emits, but it’s also one of the healthiest plants as well.

It absorbs VOCs and particulate matter from the environment.

9. Jade Plant

Jade plant attracts the energy of wealth and prosperity. It increases the inflow of oxygen and spreads fresh, positive vibes to your indoors.

Being a succulent plant, it prefers bright or indirect sunlight and a clay pot with a good drainage container.